Big things start being small.


After a few years of the life of our company Autentia and looking slightly backwards, we realize that the management of a services company it is not trivial.
We usually deal with a huge amount of information stored in a great variety of files:(Spreadsheets, e-mails, documents in the file system, business cards, etc.)
All of this information, apart from running the risk of being lost (or not found), is not stored in a way that can be processed to obtain useful information.
In our quest for perfection, many months ago we decided that it was not very wise to maintain this situation.

We provide at your disposal a software that has been built (100% free Unrestricted and functional) for the internal management, called TNTConcept built with the latest technology development Java/J2EE (Spring, JSF, Hibernate, Acegi, Maven, Subversion, etc.).

This software is free, its code is available and under GPL. People interested in expand its funcionality may do it himself or contract us to do it. All this new functionality will be part of the product in future releases.
In a few months / years, when the product matures, sure will emerge a lot of different opportunities.

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